Salon Saturday, April 15: A Tour of Sicily

While it is tempting to go with mass-produced wines because of their lower cost, there are times when every wine lover wants to taste honest wines; not manipulated into something that tastes like every other mainstream wine. That’s one of the reasons why many European...

Salon Saturday April 08: French Wine On a Budget

Our first show since I returned from vacation in Sedona I decided to address inflation, which has hit every aspect of life on this planet, and that includes wine. For those of us that love French wines, finding areas with a high quality to cost ratio have been looking...

Salon Saturday March 17

Last December I went to a MRG Vine & Wine event at Jaramillo Winery in Belen. As the Wine Appreciation chair for Vine & Wine I’ve hosted several wine events, so having a chance to just enjoy the holiday event had me eager to go. Now I can comment on what I...

Salon Saturday on Oscar Night March 12

We have three events to cover today, the Academy Awards, Opera Southwest’s Turandot and St. Patrick’s Day. First we’ll cover wines for St. Pats and then a new feature for Salon Saturday; cooking with wine. Then an overview of Puccini’s Turandot. For the Academy awards...

Salon Saturday February 04

Introduction On this week’s show we covered a grape that does well in New Mexico; Riesling. Our winemakers even won awards against stiff competition. Then we look at my top ten Sci-Fi movies. Since it is my top ten I pondered on it long and hard and I’m still not sure...